Education & Training?
Warren Management believes in education and The Community Associations Institute is the center for education and training, not only of their employees but also for the Board of Directors. Whether you are a new Board Member or a returning Director, WMG’s goal is to orient you in understanding your role and responsibility and in carrying out your duties for the Association successfully.
Warren Management’s Board Member Orientation program prepares Directors with basic knowledge and tools that show them how partnering strategically with your management team can lead to great success during their leadership term. Directors are provided clarity on the fiduciary obligations under which they serve and by which the members hold them in trust.
Serving on the Board of Directors is rarely an easy task. In fact, it’s most often unappreciated! However it doesn’t need to be one that wanders aimlessly in the dark! WMG wants them to feel the importance of their responsibility and help them reach beyond to address governing issues while supporting neighborly development. Warren Management’s passion for education and understanding will walk through the challenges and the successes with each community, providing resources, guidance, and encouragement all along the way.
Board member workshops are held throughout the year to assist board members in understanding their role and to equip themselves with tools that will help them in their decision-making. Workshops are held in the evening to be available to most people. These workshops are free to WMG clients; however, registration is still important because seating is limited to the capacity of our classroom.
We want everyone to be equipped!