At Warren Management Group, we establish “management teams” to provide the day-to-day management and administrative duties needed by our clients. The Management Team includes the manager, an assistant manager, an administrative assistant, and accounting team members.
The Manager’s role is…to work at the discretion of the Board of Directors, carrying out the decisions of the Board.
It is NOT the Manager’s role to make decisions for the Association; the power is delegated to the Board. The Board may empower the Manager to fulfill certain duties; however ultimate responsibility always remains with the Board.
The Manager’s role is…to provide guidance to the Board, based on its expertise in community leadership and professional training in community association procedures.
It is NOT the Manager’s role to take direction from members. The Association’s point of contact is the President; (authorization must be given by the President for tasks not specifically defined in the Management Agreement).
The Manager’s role is…to oversee the services of contractors and report its findings to the Board.
It is Not the Manager’s role to supervise the contractor. Managers are not experts in all fields. They are not engineers, landscapers, masons or fence contractors. Utilizing the management skills that we do have, we discern, to the best of our ability, the performance of contractors in relationship to the terms of their contract.
The Manager’s role is…to serve as liaison between the Board and the members, the Board and its professionals (attorney, accountant, insurance agent), and the Board and its contractors.
It is NOT the Manager’s role to engage in contracts for the Association, select a contractor, or be responsible for the contractor’s performance.
The Manager’s role is…to perform the fiscal responsibilities of accounts receivables and accounts payables, including billing and receipt of assessment payments by Members.
It is NOT the Manager’s role to establish who receives late fees and who gets their fees waived; that is the sole authority of the Board. Management may offer the Board a recommendation based on an evaluation of the Owner’s account history, but the final decision is up to the Board.
The Manager’s role is…to identify opportunities for building a sense of community, supporting effective communication.
It is NOT the Manager’s role to do all of the planning for community events. The Manager may assist in the appointment of committees such as an events committee, but this is YOUR community and its members should be the ones leading the course.
The Manager’s role is…to assist the Board in establishing RFPs (Requests for Proposals) for the purpose of gathering like bids from contractors for services.
It is NOT the Manager’s role to choose the contractor the Association uses.
The Management Team’s role is…to provide the administrative services needed to carry out the Association’s business (such as mailing of meeting notices, distribution of documentation, correspondence, file management, database management and more) while maintaining the records appropriate to non-profit corporations.
It is NOT the Management Team’s role to provide technical services delegates to service professionals (i.e. maintenance repairs or inspections) or to provide legal advice. Legal advice comes from the Association’s attorney, who also provides interpretation of the governing documents.
The Manager’s role is…to assist the Board in the preparation, ratification process, and distribution of the annual budget to the membership.
It is NOT the Manager’s role to prepare the budget or to adopt the budget. The budget is often prepared by a Budget/Finance Committee comprised of members. Budgets must be ratified in compliance with CCIOA (Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act).