Donna Zamora,
Assistant Community Association Manager
Donna began with Warren Management in March of 2021 as a Governance Coordinator. She began her new journey in the industry when she joined our team. Donna brought over 10 years of experience in the insurance field with her exceptional customer service. What Donna enjoys the most about her role as an Assistant Community Association Manager is that every day there is a new opportunity to learn and grow.
The key to Donna’s success, being her first year in the industry and continually growing in her role, has been her customer service skills and adaptability to learn new fields in the industry. She has quickly moved up in her role and has received it with open arms.
Aside from her career, Donna enjoys the outdoors, hiking, concerts, and good food. She enjoys spending time with her 2 children. She is the PTO, Parent Teacher Organization, president of her sons’ school, and plays a very active role in their after-school activities. She appreciates her time with them and their weekend hiking adventures.
“The mountains are calling, and I must go” is an enlightening phrase Donna speaks out to her boys and herself. Any chance to be outside is a chance to experience a new adventure.